Advanced Placement - AP
Earn college credit while still in high school. Prepare and challenge yourself.
Darla, grade 12
"[AP Psych] is easily my favorite class I've ever had, it was genuinely lots of fun to learn, and I highly recommend anyone to take it."
Brandy, grade 11
“Psych has become one of my all time favorite classes! There are countless amounts of valuable life lessons taught in AP Psychology. Much of what I have learned has encouraged me to live a better, much healthier lifestyle. I’m so glad I took this class in high school because it has given me an idea of what major I’d like to pursue in college.”
Asha, grade 12
“To me this class felt close and everyone was always so comfortable around each other.
People worked, helped and talked freely...Ohh and the debates! I loved when our class did those. Although, there were some people who would get a bit frustrated, I thought it was so fun and interesting to hear from people’s views.”