Construction Technology
Learning by doing. Learn with us.
It starts at the basics- how to read measurements, how to write measurements, and how to draw plans. After you master those skills, the fun part of the classes take place! You make your plans, you then get the opportunity to bring your plan to life with your own hands! The limit is truly endless with these skills!
Guitar Construction:
Guitar building was my favorite class in high school . I personally made a total of 13 guitars over my high school career. The process of building a guitar isn’t hard- however the fine details and precision measurements on everything is what is the hard part. Worley teaches you everything that you need to know and is the perfect teacher for this class. In Guitar building, you can’t rush at all, this class really teaches you how to slow down, look at little details, and have a game plan before you do anything!
Course Overview by Ms. Worley
Erinn (Alumni)
Owns her own furniture company and attributes her success to taking Ms. Worley's Industrial Technology courses at West Hills.
Students at work learning new skills

If you have questions about Industrial Technology courses, contact Chase Koop: